This Newport Quays lead report summarises the overall Newport waterfront design research findings.

Securing the town against the impeding climate change impacts of sea level rises along the Medina, addressing the towns bifurcation by the A3020 ‘Medina Way’ and releasing development potential into the future have been key objectives.

A tidal flood barrage (north of the town with a new crossing of the Medina provided with an opening bridge to provide yachts access) is considered to offer the best means of achieving resilience against sea level rises in Newport over the long term.

This secures the town and releases pressure on the existing A3020, whilst allowing for improved connectivity and opening sites to the north west of the town, in proximity to the prisons.


Portsmouth University masters of architecture students:

Anthony Hoskins
Zoe Rees
Jeremy Watson
Kristine Karlsen
View Shanklin >

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